Job Application

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be filled out before submitting.

General Information

First Name *
Last Name *
Date of Birth *

Contact Information

Primary Phone Number *
Secondary Phone Number
E-mail Address *
Mailing Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Have you had any previous names or Aliases? *
If so, please list them here
Are you 18 or older? *
Are you Eligible to work in the United States? *
Have you ever been convicted of a felony, crime, or misdemeanor? *
If so, please explain each instance.
Please list any states or counties in which you have previously lived. If you have not lived anywhere else, please leave your answer as N/A *

Drivers License

License Number
Are you applying for a driving position? *
State of Issuing
Has your license been suspended or revoked in the last three years?
If so, please indicate why.

Position Information

Position Applied for
Date Available to Start Work *
Type of Work Desired *
List any Friends or Relatives that work for Williams Construction
Have you ever worked for Williams Construction? *
If you answered yes to the above question, when did you work with us?


High School *
Years Completed
Years Completed
Degree Received
Years Completed
Degree Received

Additional Educational and/or Vocational or Technical Training Information

Courses Taken
Certificate or License
Courses Taken
Certificate or License

Clerical Skills (if applicable)

Typing Speed (words per minute)
Skills Data Entry
Ten Key/Calculator

Technical Trade Skills

Please list all equipment used in previous Employment, or that you are qualified to operate

Professional References

Name *
Company/Organization *
Telephone Number *
Name *
Company/Organization *
Telephone Number *
Telephone Number
Telephone Number

Work History

Employer Name *
Address *
Supervisor Name/Title *
Telephone *
Start Date *
End Date *
Title *
Title/Duties *
Reason for Leaving *
Starting Salary *
Ending Salary *
Employer Name
Supervisor Name/Title
Start Date
End Date
Reason for Leaving
Starting Salary
Ending Salary
Employer Name
Supervisor Name/Title
Start Date
End Date
Reason for Leaving
Starting Salary
Ending Salary
Employer Name
Supervisor Name/Title
Start Date
End Date
Reason for Leaving
Starting Salary
Ending Salary


I certify that all information provided in this employment application and attachments is true, correct and complete, and without any omissions to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that any omission or misrepresentation in the application may result in refusal or termination of employment with Williams Construction Contractors.

I hereby allow Williams Construction Contractors the right to contact and investigate my former and current employers, and all other pertinent parties, including, but not limited to educational institutions where I enrolled, to fully investigate my background.

I understand that as part of the interview process, Williams Construction Contractors requires all applicants to disclose pertinent data concerning previous work history, police and military records, motor vehicle records, workers compensation records, and educational activities.

The purpose and procedures in this investigation have been fully described to me and I completely understand the reasons and potential uses of such investigations. I authorize Williams Construction Contractors to use any and all information acquired to make decisions regarding my employment, which may be disclosed to third parties.

I understand and agree that if any material facts are discovered which differ from those facts stated by me on my employment application, at my interview, or at any time prior to my commencing employment at Williams Construction Contractors (if I am offered a position with Williams Construction Contractors), I will not be offered the job. Furthermore, I understand and agree that if material facts are later discovered which are inconsistent with or differ from facts I furnished before taking the job, I will be disciplined, including immediate discharge without warning.

The cost of this investigation will be paid by Williams Construction Contractors. Nonetheless, I hereby indemnify, release and forever discharge and hold Williams Construction Contractors and its subsidiaries and affiliated companies, agents, and employees, as well as, all third parties supplying such information, harmless from any and all claims, demands, judgments, and legal fees arising out of or in connection with this investigation, the results, or any lawful use of the results or disclosure thereto.

All applicants are considered for employment based on job-related criteria without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability, or sexual orientation. To help us comply with Federal/State equal employment opportunity laws, record keeping and other legal requirements, we ask that you answer the questions below. Completion, however is optional. This Pre-Employment Information will be kept in a confidential file separate from the attached application for Employment.

I have read the above statements and I agree to the terms. * I agree
Please Print your First and Last Name *
Date *

Pre-Employment Information

All applicants are considered for employment based on job-related criteria without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability, or sexual orientation. To help us comply with Federal/State equal employment opportunity laws, record keeping and other legal requirements, we ask that you answer the questions below. Completion, however is optional. This Pre-Employment Information will be kept in a confidential file separate from the attached application for Employment.
Race/Ethnic Group Caucasian
Asian/Pacific Islander
American Indian/Alaskan Native
Where did you hear about us? Daily Planet
Norwood Post
San Miguel Basin Forum
The Watch
Employee Referral
Referred by


In consideration of my being employed by Williams Construction Contractors, I hereby agree that, upon the termination of my employment and not withstanding the cause of termination, I shall not compete with the business of Williams Construction Contractors or its successors and shall not, whether directly or indirectly, as an owner, officer, director, employee, consultant, or stockholder, engage in a business substantially similar or competitive to the business of Williams Construction Contractors.

This non-compete agreement shall extend only for a radius of 75 (seventy-five) miles from the present location of Williams Construction Contractors, and shall be in full force and effect for six months, commencing with the date of employment termination.

As applicable to driver trainees with CDL permits:

In consideration of my status as a driver trainee, I understand that within six weeks of my completeing Williams Construction Contractors training course, I will possess a CDL Class A or Class B License issued by the State of Colorado for my continued employment with Williams Construction Contractors. I understand and agree that if I terminate my employment with Williams Construction Contractors while training I may be required to repay the cost of my training.

I have read the above statements and I agree to the terms. * I agree
Please Print your First and Last Name


Date *
Please Print your First and Last Name
Employees assigned to driving duties (“drivers”) must at all times meet the following criteria
– Drivers must have a current, valid driver’s license for the state in which the employee performs his/her driving duties
– Drivers must maintain a clean driving record by remaining insurable under our company’s liability insurance policy.

Any employee driving a Company vehicle or driving on Company business must observe all safety, traffic, and criminal laws of this state. No driver may consume alcohol or illegal drugs while driving a Company vehicle, while on Company business, or prior to the employee’s shift if such consumption would result in detectable amount of alcohol or illegal drus being present in the employee’s system while on duty. In addition, no driver may consume or use any substance, regardless of legality or prescription status, if by so doing, the driver’s ability to safely operate a motor vehicle and carry out other work-related duties would be impaired or diminished. No driver may pick up or transport non-employees while in a Company vehicle or on Company business, unless there is a work-related need to do so. Any illegal, dangerous or other conduct while driving that would tend to place the lives or property of others at risk is prohibited.

Anything a driver does in connection with the operation of motor vehicles can affect the driver’s fitness for duty or insurability as a driver. Regardless of fault, circumstance, on or off-duty status, time, or place, any driver who receives a traffic citation from or is arrested by a law enforcement officer, or who is involved in any kind of accident while driving, must inform an appropriate supervisor about the incident immediately or as soon as possible thereafter. Any penalty, fine, imprisonment, fee, or other adverse action imposed by a court in connection with such an incident must be reported immediately to an appropriate supervisor. In both of the above situations, the matter will be reported to the Company’s insurance carrier so that a prompt decision on continued coverage of the employee can be made. The driver involved in an accident or cited by a law enforcement official for violating a motor vehicle law must turn over any documentation relating to such incident as soon as possible to the employer, and must cooperate fully with the employer in verifying the information with other parties involved and with law enforcement authorities.

While parking tickets will not affect a driver’s insurability, any parking ticket issued on a vehicle that is being used for Company business should be reported to an appropriate supervisor at the earliest possible opportunity.

Any employee who violates any part of this policy, or who becomes uninsurable as a driver, will be subject to reassignment and/or disciplinary action, up to and possibly including termination from employment. All employees with driving duties must sign the following agreement:

* I have read and understand the Company’s Driver Policy, and I agree that in the event that I am ever found to be uninsurable, or that I lack a clean driving record or a valid and current driver’s license, that if necessary, I will accept whatever alternative assignment the Company may give me and that I understand that a reduction in pay, change in hours, change in duties, and/or change in work location may result from the reassignment. I further understand that the Company does not and cannot guarantee that any particular reassignment will be available in the event of a problem with my driver’s license, driving record, or insurability as a driver, and that if no reassignment is possible, termination of my employment may occur.
Please Print your First and Last Name *
Date *